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Monday, January 16, 2012

New Year Autoshow & Unicorn Sticker Launching

These are the earliest 2 events in 2012.....AMC Crew telah dijemput oleh pihak Remedy Motorsport untk menghadiri & menyertai Spectrum Ampang New Year Autoshow & Car Club Gathering bertempat di shopping mall Spectrum Bandar Baru Ampang pada malam sambutan tahun baru 2012......kami telah menghantar 3 penyertaan utk autoshow bagi kategori Best Perodua iaitu AMC 01 Khalid (Myvi American Sound @ skang ni Angel Beats), AMC 02 Miez (Passo VIP Wald) & AMC 05 Izmi (Boon X4 DCCS)...AMC turut mendaftar bagi kategori Best Car Club...& the result is jeng jeng jeng........

Best Perodua King : AMC 02 Miez
Best Car Club : AMC meraih tempat ke-4.....

Congrats to AMC di atas kejayaan pada event ini.....but sadly gambar belum dapat disiapkan...so i hope that this post is somehow will help to relief ur frustration...huhuhu...janji blog ada update kan kan kan.....

Next event was the launching of our sticker panel shop @ UNICORN DESIGN & GRAPHIC nearby Tesco Ampang on 8/1/2012...event ni just jemputan utk memeriahkan majlis, makan free, belanje kereta masing2...hehehe...main audio sket....but privilleged were given to AMC car of AMC 01 Mr Khalid yg terpilih utk dijadikan display car besides kete tokey unicorn Mr Ah Fai...ada jugak lucky draw & AMC 02 Mista Miez terbertuah menerima voucher for body sticker installation berjumlah rm500...tapi dah sah2 la keta vip takde stiker...so sapa2 berhajat nak buat body sticker tu bleh la contact beliau utk membeli voucher istimewa tu pada harga yang munasabah...hehehe....

Overall kehadiran ahli untukevent-event ini adalah memberangsangkan...thanks to all crews yg sudi melapangkan masa menghadirkan diri....Insya Allah we'll do better next time....so tunggu utk update seterusnya.......Cheers....hehehe.....zasssssssss............


  1. Congrats to the winners, team aswell eventho we've got LAME geezers as judges. Great spirit shown by AMC's crew. Not bad for newcomers to gain the 4th place, l'm very da very sure, more silverware yet to come. Bravo mates !

  2. tq aM for such a gud statement n support~ we were really appreciate dat~ :) Together We Strive & Rise yoe.. ehehe.. :D *mata ke atas, dada kt dada*


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